The 2nd Workshop on Unstructured and Structured KBs

Workshop at AKBC 2021
October 7th, 2021

We are excited to announce four selected abstracts to be featured at the 2nd USKB Workshop.

Title: Cluster Based Named Entity Recognition
Authors: Todd Morrill
Affiliation: PwC

Title: CogKG: Unifying Symbolic and Continuous Knowledge Representations for Machine Reasoning
Authors: Zhepei Wei, Yue Wang, Jinnan Li, Yingqi Guo, Zhining Liu, Erxin Yu, Yi Chang
Affiliation: School of Artificial Intelligence, Jilin University & School of Information and Library Science, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Contact: Zhepei Wei [email] [website]

Title: Knowledge Graph Representation with Embeddings
Authors: Nitisha Jain, Jan-Christoph Kalo, Wolf-Tilo Balke, Ralf Krestel, Trung-Kien Tran, Mohamed H. Gad-Elrab, Daria Stepanova
Affiliation: Hasso-Plattner-Institut, University of Potsdam, Germany, Technische Universit ̈at Braunschweig, Germany & Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence, Renningen, Germany
Contact: Nitisha Jain [email] [website]

Title: The Choice of Knowledge Base in Automated Claim Checking
Authors: Dominik Stammbach, Boya Zhang, Elliott Ash
Affiliation: Center for Law and Economics, ETH Zurich
Contact: Dominik Stammbach [email]